MoC Membership

Persons making application to the Military Order of the Cootie must be of sound character and shall be active members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; members who have fulfilled their work when appointed to a committee or as officers, or those VFW members that have done much toward promoting the greater VFW.

Download Application Form

Military Order of the Cootie


Military Order of the Cootie

Life Membership

Military Order of the Cootie

Red Star Life Membership

Life Membership

To become a life member, you must be a member in good standing with the Military Order of the Cootie for 6 months and be a Life Member of the VFW. Contact the CCDB of your pup tent for an appliction.

Life Membership Fees

Through age 30 $340
31-40 $325
41-50 $305
51-60 $275
61-70 $245
71-80 $190
81 and up $150


Red Star Membership

You must be a Life Member. The fee is $100. This membersip may be purchased from the Cootie Depot.

Purchase Red Star Membership

Comparison between the Military Order of the Cootie and the VFW

Military Order of the Cootie



Pup Tent

Seam Squirrel

Blanket Bum

Hide Gimlet

Hungry Cootie

Custodian of the Crummy Duffelbag (CCDB)

Provost Marshal

Shirt Reader

Jimmy legs

Sky Pilot


Keeper of the Lousy Records

Pill Pusher

Tight Wads


* Officers have the same titles as the VFW






Senior Vice Commander

Jr Vice Commander



Officer of the Day

Master of Ceremonies

Officer of the Guard


Judge Advocate




Publicity Chairman

Cootie Tassels

Unlike the VFW which has hats of many colors, the Cooties only have the red hat with the exception of Supreme Commander, who has a gold hat. The rank of a Cootie is identified be the color of the tassel on their hat.

Green: Cooties
Black: Pup Tent Officers, to revert to Green with Black Knob when retiring from office
Black and White: Past Pup Tent Seam Squirrels
Green and White Mixed: All District or Area Pup Tent Officers, to revert to former tassels when
retiring from office
Green and White Mixed with Black Knob: Past District or Area Pup Tent Commanders
White: Grand Pup Tent Officers
White with Black Knob: Past Grand Line Officers; other Grand Officers revert to former tassels
when retiring from office
Purple: Past Grand Commanders
Red-White-Gold Mixed: Supreme Commander
Gold: Supreme Council of Administration Members
Gold with Black Knob: Supreme appointed officers (other than Supreme Council Members)
Red-White-Gold Mixed with Red Knob: Past Supreme Commanders
Red with Gold Knob: Past Supreme Council Members
Red with Black Knob: Past Supreme Officers (other than Past Supreme Council Members)
Black with Gold Knob: All-Star Pup Tent Seam Squirrels, CCDBs and Hungry Cooties
White with Gold Knob: All-Star Grand Quartermasters and Adjutants
Red-White-Blue Mixed: All-Star Grand Commanders